Another Wonderful Book By Ron Hughart

Category: Authors

Beyond the Dust Bowl With a Pocket Full of Peanuts is Ron Hughart‘s next chapter in his continuing saga of growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s in the great San Joaquin Valley.

The child of migrant parents, Ron has previously written about his life in The Place Beyond the Dust Bowl, published in 2002. Now Ron answers many of the questions asked by readers of his first book. From his early fear of minorities to the warm and nurturing parents of his school acquaintances, Ron describes the sometimes harrowing experiences of growing up as a migrant child. Here is a child who never had anything of his own, and was uprooted throughout his childhood, moving from place to place.

Beyond the Dust Bowl With a Pocket Full of Peanuts is a must-read for all who remember the tough times after the Depression, and those who are interested in the life of a migrant child. The reader will remember the stereotypes and realities of the era. Ron Hughart and his wife Ann live in Exeter California. He enjoys talking about his experiences and teaching others of life with humility. Ron lectures on the subject to organizations, schools, colleges, and universities. He has also acted in movies, including: The Visitation (2005) and The Moment After II-The Awakening.

Our Work for Ron Hughart: We converted this book to an eBook making it available in 7 different formats to accommodate all of his fans. You can purchase his book at his website at


Author Ron Hughart
Finding himself caught between hearing the adults around him talk about their places they lost in Oklahoma, and the despairing rumble of an empty stomach, Ron learned that taking action, tempered with hope and humility, was the only path to literally surviving the day.

Underlying this solid, steer-wrestling man’s man, graying Van Dyke-bearded and steady gazed exterior, you might not recognize little Ronnie, the half-starved, yet hopeful, action-inclined, son of “Okies” and heir to the “Grapes of Wrath.”

In a sense, the rats his dad was shooting in the kitchen of their temporary shack-like shelter, told the story of a life laced with injustice. Through this fire the gold was refined in a way, which led Ronnie to be trusting, but cautious without being fearful, and generous with the gleanings from his compassion as he teaches.

Ron enjoys family, friends, fishing and reading. He and his family live in Exeter, California, a small city in the San Joaquin Valley.

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