How to add an MX entry in cPanel

Category: cPanel
Tags: email

Setting a custom MX entry is useful if you want your email handled by another server, or if you want to setup a backup email server.

This demo assumes you’ve already logged into cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.

Now let’s learn how to add an MX entry.

  • Scroll down to the section labeled Domains;
  • Click on the Zone Editor icon;

  • Click the MX Entry icon located in the same row of the domain;

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is cpanel-mx-record-icon-1024x77.webp

  • Enter a priority number for the new MX record: the lower priority numbers will be tried first, followed by higher numbers.
  • Then enter the new MX entry; and
  • Click Add New Record.

That’s it! The new MX record has been added.

So in this case, the default mail server will be tried first because it has a priority of 0…

… followed by the new email server, because its priority number is 1.

Side note: In the Zone Editor you can also create A Records, CNAME Records or manage existing records.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add an MX entry in cPanel.

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